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What do you mean by web development services?

Web development encompasses a wide range of services, some of which include building websites or web apps, cybersecurity solutions, UX/UI design, eCommerce solutions, website architectures, QA testing, maintenance, consulting, and even a custom content management system.

Utilize web development services of Best Web Development Company in Gurgaon to accomplish your company's goals. Our seasoned developers have experience in a range of web development services. Listed below are some of the services we can offer you.

Website: A well-designed website can help establish credibility and generate leads as a powerful marketing and communication tool.

Ecommerce: Thanks to eCommerce Web Development Company in Gurgaon, businesses can be open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and communicate with customers in any time zone.

Web Applications: Web applications are accessible to a global audience. They are engaging and interactive, making it simple to keep users' attention.

Content Management System: A customized CMS for your company's requirements will reduce time and costs by streamlining internal processes.

Make a splash online with the help of an elite Web Development Company in Gurgaon

All the web development services necessary to create a fully web-based product are offered by Okkdigital, including:
  • Website Development
  • Web Application Development
  • eCommerce Solutions Development
  • Construction of Specific Content Management Systems
  • development using minimal or no code
  • Idea generation, market analysis, wireframing, and prototyping
  • Project Management - UI Design - UX Design - Coding - QA Testing
  • Consulting, publishing, upkeep, and support for cybersecurity

The task of a web development company is to identify and develop solutions that can help the client most effectively realize their unique business objectives. Which technologies will be most advantageous to your business? You can solve customer problems by choosing cutting-edge technologies for your tech stack. Take your business to the next level with the right solutions customized to your unique needs.

Frontend Development: We use the most well-liked frontend frameworks, such as Angular, React.js, and Vue.js, to build the visible portion of your product.

Backend Development: We use server-side programming languages like Python, Ruby on Rails, and Node.js for prototyping and development to build scalable and quick web applications.

Full Stack Development: We offer complete web development services incorporating frontend, backend, and other technologies to ensure your product is successful.

Low-Code Development: In addition, we are experts at creating low-code and no-code web solutions that save clients money and time. We make use of platforms like Webflow and Mendix

Cloud Development: We also use cloud services like Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure to deploy applications quickly and securely.

Okkdigital, eCommerce Web Development Company in Gurgaon methodology to success.

Our web development team is aware that when creating web-based solutions, the most difficult projects demand meticulous attention to every last detail. Okkdigital has the expertise required to conduct a successful and efficient web-based software development process, having completed over 1000 projects.

How do we work?

Obtain your opinion: The direction was established with the help of our web development consultants.

Pick a technology.: selecting the technology stack and overall plan

Design: collaborating with our design professionals to produce a beautiful and useful web solution

Develop: Our talented engineers coded the web application.

Get a piece of the market: introducing your product and keeping it updated and supported

Why should you build your web-based product with Okkdigital?

Whether you are a business owner, the CEO of a start-up, or the president and chief executive officer of a large corporation, significant strategic goals will be connected to the success of your future digital product. The ideal web development partner should act as a mentor and advisor throughout this crucial process. With us, you can be sure that the final product will satisfy your and your clients' needs

Web development team

The project's requirements decide the team's makeup. Every team member is thoughtfully selected to ensure that they contribute to the development of your product. We are equipped to handle every aspect of web development.

  • UI designers must create stunning user interfaces.
  • UX designers ensure that an app's interactive and visual components are all understandable, practical, and efficient at retaining users' attention.
  • Frontend developers work closely with the design and backend teams to create responsive, adaptable, quick, secure, and user-friendly apps.
  • Backend programmers concentrate on developing quick, scalable apps. They also assist in lowering infrastructure costs.
  • DevOps engineers assist with managing the IT infrastructure and developing apps.
  • Quality assurance (QA) experts ensure that an app's users have a wonderful user experience and that its code is of the highest calibre.
  • The project manager ensures that everything goes as planned, finishing work on time and coordinating the outcome with the organization's objectives.


How is the Okkdigital research process carried out?

To validate your idea, we combine market research and prototyping. It ensures quantifiable business value and reduces time to market. Research can help you create a product that has a competitive edge, and it typically takes six weeks to complete.

How long does a web development project typically take to finish?

Based on the specifics and level of difficulty of your project. The initial two weeks are devoted to planning and organizing. Graphic design comes next, which can take an additional two weeks.

How can I optimize a web application for search engines?

Your website must have pertinent content to make it search-engine friendly. The title attribute, alt attribute for images, naming conventions for subpages, domain, and other technical considerations must also be made.